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Hi there:
A small contribution for kidding and also as a personal exercise/challenge (summer classes somehow...)
I spent a couple hours migrating to NTK this smart Tetris game originally written in Clipper.
And I must admit it was rather easy and pleasant to do. About 95% of the orignal Clipper code has been reused as it - just made the NTK main container that calls the original CLIP_TRIS() function, a few adjustements here and there, then type MKRAD CLIPTRIS to rebuild...and...HEY PRESTO!!
Now we have ClipTris.exe & source code for Windows:
Forgot to mention in my previous post that the original source code for MS-DOS can be found here:
and of course, all credit goes to the author: Philippe BONNARDEL who's released the program into public domain since 1995.
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