I have the Pro version and I am trying to compile a Clip4win program: the main one of a system. I have set up the environment and can compile/link sample programs.
xH objects to "@ dialog .... id ... get ... picture". I cannot find an example having searched all the folders.
Well, as far as I remember this syntax was partially supported in older NTK versions. At least for basic GET objects. However, maybe should you ask JN for more information.
Btw, did you include C4W2NTK.CH in your PRG?
Cheers, Ab
FYI: (just my personal experience) Years ago during my C4W 3 to NTK-Win32 transition period, I also had to maintain significant portions of code massively using DialogBox()/Dlgproc. But I must admit, I've quickly given up DialogBox() and C4W commands for native NTKRad CREATE WINDOW and @ y,x GET/SAY/BROWSE/etc. much simpler (no wndproc or optional), easier to write, much more compact,and closest to Clipper/xBase syntax. Just have a look to the following tutorials: - \wntk4hrb\NTKRad\AppDemo - \wntk4hrb\NTKRad\FancyGet - \wntk4hrb\Contribs\dGridView
Do not search anymore, it's my mistake. Apparently, the C4WCMDNTK.CH file seems to be missing from recent NTK-Pro & Premium installs. Probably due to last minutes changes I've done before releasing v1.12P Anyway, I just published it. Now, it is ready to be downloaded from your NTWIP/include directory. Also, do not hesitate to take advantage of the situation to upgrade your whole NTK-Platform with latest enhancements & libraries.
To Reece: Download the attached ZIP then uncompress the whole content into your \wntk4hrb\contribs\C4W2NTK\ folder. This is a small tutorial supposed to show how to quickly migrate C4W code using DialogBox() & @ DIALOG..ID... to NTK/Win32
N.B. I have developed this proggy hastily (less than an hour) so it may contain some few bugs - feel free to enhance it and share it again with the community.
>It seems to me that the pre-processor may be overloaded. Note that I have >#include "windows.ch" No, I don't think so. I agree with wilson your problem rather sounds like a conflict with another window.ch - IMO, your problem has something to do with your path or your environment settings.
In order to confirm this assumption or not, could you try to add the fullpathname to your #include. like this: #include "c:\wntk4hrb\include\windows.ch" then rebuild the app and let us know the result.
(Also, maybe you can just copy-paste the NTK's original window.ch into your app folder.)